D. Answer briefly : 1. List two qualities that you admire (प्रशंसा) in your mother/father. answer1 - Honesty and caring nature are two qualities that I admire in my mother / father. 2. List the qualities that make your mother/father the most special person in the world. answer2 - helpful attitude (अभिवृत्ति) towards society and caring nature towards environment are the two qualities that make my mother/father the most special person in the world. 3. Why does praise (प्रशंसा) by family members make you happy? answer3 - Praise by family members makes me happy because it motivates me to excel (उत्कृष्ट) my further work. 4. You have a family member who always criticises (आलोचना करना) you. How is that person related to you? Give one reason for his/her criticism (आलोचना). answer4 - My elder brother always criticises me because he wants to make me realise my Mistakes . 5. Describe your reactions when your mother/father checks you for your behavi...
rakshabandhan kyu ur kab manaya jata hai Essay रक्षाबंधन का त्योहार क्यों और कब मनाया जाता है? निबंध
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